Clicking the Hover Text button at the top level dialog provides you with a variety of options:


Display: This is one of the cooler features! You have at your disposal one of five hover text display modes. Pick whichever you feel best reflects the mindset of your clientele. Each option is shown beneath in the pictures.

Display Mode What gets displayed...
1 Total amount donated. No other information is displayed.
2 Total donated plus the last donation, excluding the tipper's name.
3 Total donated plus the last donation, including the tipper's name.
4 Total donated plus the last "_" donations* made to the cube, including their names.
5 The top "_" donations* made to the cube, including the tippers' names. This particular setting evokes a "contest" atmosphere, and might prove quite profitable for club owners or charity organizers!
* In display modes 4 and 5, "_" is the number of tip lines displayed. That is initialized in the Cube Config notecard's "LIST SIZE=" setting, which can also be adjusted via the options dialog.

Display Mode 1
Display Mode 1
Display Mode 2
Display Mode 2
Display Mode 3
Display Mode 3
Display Mode 4
Display Mode 4
Display Mode 5
Display Mode 5

The same tip stats displayed in the various Display Modes


Lines: This setting pertains to two of the hover text display options that you set in the options dialog upon clicking the cube. With those options, you can have the cube display either the last "x" tips made to the cube, or the top "x" tips made. The LIST SIZE setting defines how many lines to display in these two modes. It can range between 1 to 10. It's recommended you keep it to 5. Linden has a limit to how many characters can be displayed on hover text. So if you max it out to 10, then it's unlikely the entire list will be displayed, particularly if you have your cube config notecard's "TITLE=" set to something long.

You can experiment with this value when the cube is active, although it won't get saved back to the notecard. Click the cube to bring up the options dialog. Click Hover text, then click the "Display" button to set the cube to either option 4 ("Last...") or option 5 ("Top..."), then go back and click the Hover Text "Line Size" button. There you'll see buttons for displaying anywhere from 1 to 10 lines.

It's important to realize that the "LIST SIZE=" setting pertains only to the "last x" and "top x" hover text modes (Display modes 4 and 5, respectively).


Color: This allows you to further adjust the color that was initialized by the RGB TEXTCOLOR setting in the configuration notecard discussed above. It provides + and - buttons for tweaking the Red/Green/Blue components of the color. Experiment with it, as you can fine tune the color while the cube remains active!

Note: The color that you adjust here will be lost if you Reset the cube. When resetting the cube, it will revert to the color configured in the Cube Config notecard's "RGB TEXTCOLOR=" setting. Unfortunately, there's no way for the cube to save it back to the notecard. This is something you will have to do yourself. Take note of the color vector that is displayed in the options dialog (e.g. <1.0000, .7000, .8500>) and manually edit the RGB TEXTCOLOR entry at a later time.

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