Techno Tip Cube - Version 1.4

Techno Tip Cube
Techno Tip Cube
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The Techno Tip Cube is a 5-prim tipping device for the SecondLife® community.

NewAll tip information can be stored to the TipTracer™ system for offline analysis. This is an ideal resource for club owners and performers who would like to monitor their tip income. See an animated Flash demo by clicking here.

If someone clicks the cube, a tickler message is whispered. This message can be anything you desire. Another pleasantry is that upon tipping any amount, one of the supplied sound objects (or any of your own) can be played at the desired volume.


  • Enhanced config notecard facilitating numerous customizations.
  • Easy on-the-fly configurations via a network of dialogs.
  • Accepts any number of your own sound objects that are played when someone tips into the cube. A variety of sounds are installed and ready to use.
  • Tip sharing to any number of partners.
  • Employee login ability
  • Give your assistants access by adding them to your Cube Operators notecard.
  • Multiple display modes in hover text!
  • Customize the whispered message when someone clicks a cube.
  • Free lifetime updates provided at the click of a button.
  • TipTracer™ logging system (optional): Stores data for all tips to a web-based server for offline analysis. This is a fee-based service (1.25% of tips are charged) and is disabled unless you choose to enable it. TipTracer is an ideal resource for club owners and performers who would like to monitor their tip income. For more information, click here.
  • At your option, you can drop in your own script that responds to a tip action. For instance, you can write a script that passes out an object (for example, a notecard, landmark or a "gift" object). An example is provided here.

Q: I now see that xxxL$ have been put into my cube. How do I get the money?
A: You already have it! Check your SecondLife account's transaction history, where you will see that the money was there all along. When someone tips into the Techno Tip Cube (or any tipping device in SecondLife), the money goes directly into your account. The cube's hovertext is merely a reporting mechanism.

Q: Can I unlink the pedestals and just use the cube?
A: Sorry, but no. The internal messaging system between the various scripts requires that the Techno Tip Cube comprise a linked set (i.e., a single prim is not permissable). Unlinking the Techno Tip Cube will disable all messaging.

If you're familiar with building things in Second Life, you could attach the cube to one prim in order to make it a customized linked set. This would reduce the prim count from 5 down to 2... a benefit if your land has limited prim allowances! Just make sure the cube is the root prim. Visit the Techno Tip Cube kiosk where you'll see a cool example -- I call it the "Techno Tip Orb"! This is what the Techno Tip Cube can be modded to look like. The possibilities are endless!

Q: Can I move the scripts into my own prim?
A: No. The scripts must reside in the prim that they came shipped in. The scripts will disable themselves if they sense being put into anyone else's prim.

Q: How important is it for me to read all this documentation?
A: Not important at all, really. You can rez the Techno Tip Cube and it will begin working immediately for you. Then in time you can begin to fiddle with the options available to you when you click the cube. And if you get really hungry to learn more, you can re-visit this web site and learn the gritty details.

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