"Cube Config" notecard help

The configuration notecard (in your cube's Content panel) is named "Cube Config" and provides default values when the cube is first rezzed or reset. A detailed, commented notecard is included in the cube.

In short, the notecard makes use of a "TOKEN=VALUE" format. Beyond the rule that each TOKEN=VALUE setting be on their own line, the notecard has few restrictions as to how you layout your data. For instance:

  • There are no requirements regarding spacing before or after the "=" sign. (i.e., TITLE=MY CUBE will work just the same as TITLE  =   MY CUBE).

  • Upper/Lower case sensitivity of the tokens is insignificant (i.e., TITLE=MY CUBE will work just the same as title = MY CUBE).

  • Order of lines does not matter. You can put each line anywhere you wish.

  • Comments can be helpful. Comments are marked with a double forward slash ("//").

  • Blank lines are skipped, so feel free to space lines apart for easy reading.


TITLE = My Club's Tip Cube|Please consider tipping! // This is the text displayed publicly
// above the cube. Use the vertical bar "|" as a line-break for creating multiple lines.
// (Note You can also change the title on-the-fly by clicking the cube and selecting Admin|ChatCmd 
// and then chat the desired title over channel 888.  For example, "/888 Zappo's Tip Cube".
// Keep in mind that the chatted text will NOT be saved back into this notecard.) 

PAY BUTTONS = 10,20,30,40 // spaces before or after each comma are optional

RGB TEXTCOLOR = 1.0, 0.7, 0.7 // spaces before or after each comma are optional

// Employ login parameters. This feature is enabled by clicking the cube,
// then selecting Admin, then Empl Login, then selecting the option to turn on.
// The cube owner and anyone configured in the Cube Operators notecard
// are NOT able to login as employees.  A valid employee is anyone else who
// is a member of the group that owns the land on which the cube is rezzed.
EMPLOYEE LOGOFF RANGE = 0   // value in meters for auto-logoff.  Setting to zero disables auto-logoff.
EMPLOYEE PERCENTAGE = 25  // any value between 1 and 100.

// TICKLE TEMPLATE has three variables: !FIRSTNAME!, !LASTNAME!, and !FULLNAME!
TICKLE TEMPLATE = Greetings !FIRSTNAME!! Consider tipping to show your appreciation of my club.

// The POPUP TIP NOTIFY offers a very trivial enhancement, and best be disabled for most cube owners.
POPUP TIP NOTIFY= no  // anything other than "yes", "true", or "1" is regarded as disabled.
// Another way to disable this is to simply comment the entire line out
// There is no limit to the number of tip sharing recipients, but keep it reasonable in number // because notecards and script memory DOES have a limit. For each line, put the avatar's key, // then a comma, then the percentage (integers only) of the tip to share. // To get an avatar's UUID, click the cube and select Admin|ChatCmd. Then within 60 seconds,
// say the person's name over channel 999. For instance, "/999 Zappowappy Ball".
// The key will be reported in the chat window. Use a separate SHARE WITH= line for each recipient.
// IMPORTANT: Don't forget to remove the leading "//" markers. They are comment markers which
// means the notecard loader will not see anything after it. In our two lines below, only the first // sharing line will be seen. The second one has a leading "//" marker, so it will be ignored.
SHARE WITH=12345678-abcd-ef00-1234-aaaabbbbcccc,15 // 15% to my assistant named blahblah blah //SHARE WITH=87654321-dcba-00fe-4321-ddddeeeeffff,25 // hold off on yadayadayada

Token Summary

TITLE= This line is for a customized hover text. If this line is blank, then the default text will be: "[Owner Name]'s Donation Cube". Title text can be multi-lined by putting a "|" character where you want line breaks.

You may find times where you need to change your cube title, but don't want to go through the hassle of resetting your cube to reload the notecard. So there's a shortcut! Click the cube, then select Admin | ChatCmd. This activates a listener channel for 60 seconds, allowing you to chat the desired cube title over channel 888. The new cube title will be instantly displayed. Existing hover text tip statistics will remain intact. For example, chat next to the cube the following: "/888 My New Tip Cube Title|Pretty Cool!". This action will not update your notecard.
RGB TEXTCOLOR= This defines the initial Red/Green/Blue components of the hover text color. Each component is a fractional value that must be between 0 to 1. If this line is excluded, then the default text color will be white. Note you can further adjust the hover text color via the options dialog upon clicking the cube.
EMPLOYEE_LOGOFF_RANGE= This defines whether or not you want a logged-in employee to be automatically logged off the cube if (1) the person logs out of Second Life® or (2) the person ventures beyond some distance in meters. Set EMPLOYEE_LOGOFF_RANGE to 0 if you want auto-logoff disabled, or some value between 1 and 96 to specify what distance you want auto-logoff to kick in.
EMPLOYEE_PERCENTAGE= This defines percentage of the tip that goes to the logged in employee. Note that if you have TipTracer enabled, the percentage applies to the value after the 1.25% TipTracer fee is applied.
PAY BUTTONS= This is a comma-delimited list of preset Linden amounts that you want displayed as payment buttons. If this line is blank, then the default Linden payment values will be displayed. So if you have a text string of "10,50,100,200", the upper left button will be 10, the upper right will be 50, the lower left will be 100, and the lower right will be 200. Linden limits us to 4 buttons, so any values beyond the 4th value will be ignored. You can "hide" a button by setting a value of 0 in it's place.
TICKLE TEMPLATE= This line allows you to set what you want whispered to whoever clicks your cube. You can further customize it by using one of three variables. Note that the variables are upper case and have a leading and trailing "!":
  • !FIRSTNAME! will be replaced with the person's first name.
  • !LASTNAME! will be replaced with the person's last name.
  • !FULLNAME! will be replaced with the person's full name.

Let's say you have the GIFT THRESHOLD set to 15, and Zappowappy Ball strolls on up and clicks your cube. Here's what he will see for the following TICKLE TEMPLATE examples:

Example 1:*

TICKLE TEMPLATE = Hello !FIRSTNAME!! Please consider tipping!

He will see: "Hello Zappowappy! Please consider tipping!"

Example 2:*

TICKLE TEMPLATE = Welcome !FULLNAME!. Please consider tipping!

He will see: "Welcome Zappowappy Ball. Please consider tipping!"

Example 3:*

TICKLE TEMPLATE = Dear Mr/s !LASTNAME!. Please consider tipping!

He will see: "Dear Mr/s Ball. Please consider tipping!"

* In above examples, line-wrap might be observed in your browser. In the notecard, do not line wrap!

SHARE WITH= Add one of these lines for each avatar you want to share your tips with. Include the full key to the recipient, then a comma, then the percentage (integers only) for that recipient.

You can query for an avatar's key over a special chat channel. Click the cube, then select Admin | ChatCmd. This activates a listener channel for 60 seconds. Then chat the avatar's name over channel 999. . For instance, you can chat: "/999 Zappowappy Ball". The key will be reported in owner-only chat.

Important: Sharing is not activated by default! Just because you have one or more "SHARE WITH=" lines in the Cube Config card does not automatically trigger sharing to work. After loading the notecard by clicking Admin | Reset, you must then click Admin | Sharing to activate the sharing mechanism. A Debit Permissions dialog will appear, where you must Grant payment permissions.
POPUP TIP NOTIFY The POPUP TIP NOTIFY offers a very trivial enhancement, and best be left disabled for most cube owners. You would only want it enabled if you have globally muted payment notifications. Why would you want to do this? Well, perhaps you're a a super-successful store owner who doesn't like seeing all those popup sales notifications, but still want to know when someone tips you. If you're one of these fortunate few, then enable the POPUP TIP NOTIFY option by setting it to "yes", "true", or "1".

Changes made to the Cube Config notecard are not immediately loaded. You must reset the cube using Admin | Reset. Resetting the cube will not clear your local tip statistics displayed in the hover text, but will reload your Cube Operators notecard, if it exists.

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