Techno Tip Cube - Updating

Clicking Admin | Update will query the Zappowappy Update Server for any product updates. If one is found, then one of two items will be delivered to you depending on whether you have the copy or no-copy version (make sure you are not in busy mode when potentially receiving an inventory offer):

  • If you have the Copyable version, then a new carton is delivered to you similar to what you received in your original purchase. Rez the carton on the ground, then right-click and open to copy the contents to your inventory.

  • If you have the No-Copy version, then you will receive a MHS Cube Updater object. Rez the updater object next to your Techno Tip Cube. Click the cube again, then re-click Admin, and then Update. With the updater object in the vicinity, this time a query will not be made to the server. Rather, it will kick-start the updater object to copy the new scripts into your cube. After the update is complete, the updater object will delete itself.

    If you have additional no-copy cubes, then repeat the above process for each one.

Updating a cube that's TipTracer registered

If the cube you have updated is registered with the TipTracer system, here's what you need to do:

  • If you have the Copyable version, then you'll need to Register the new cube and then Import TipTracer history from your old cube. Refer to the TipTracer page for information on this topic.

  • If you have the No-Copy version, then it has been updated via the Cube Updater Object described above. Updated jars are always reset during this time, so you'll need to Re-Register the cube with TipTracer.

Updating a cube that had Tip Sharing enabled

Updated cubes are either brand new (in the case of copyables) or have undergone a reset (in the case of no-copy cubes). So either way, you'll have to make use of the Cube Config card to ensure all the SHARE WITH= entries are accurate, and then re-enable the tip sharing by clicking Admin | Sharing and Grant debit permissions.

Updating a cube that had Employee Login Mode enabled

Updated cubes have undergone a reset. So Employee Login Mode will revert to being disabled. You must re-enable Employee Login Mode by clicking the cube, then clicking Admin, then Empl Login, then clicking Turn ON.

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