Continued from TipTracer Introduction...
How to register your cube with the TipTracer™ system:
To register your Techno Tip Cube, click it to bring up the options dialog. Then click Admin | TipTracer | Register | Register!. You will then be presented with a Debit Permissions dialog. Upon accepting debit permissions, the cube will be registered within seconds! Take note of the Owner-only text that is chatted to you, which includes your login password.
Q: Can I change my password?
A: Yes, but not inworld. You'll need to log into your TipTracer web page and change it there.
Q: What if I forget my password?
A: Click any of your TipTracer-registered Techno Tip Cube(s) inworld, then click Admin | TipTracer | Password. The options dialog will appear revealing your TipTracer password.
Q: If I no longer want to use TipTracer, can I opt out?
A: Yes. Keep in mind that you'll need to unregister every cube individually (there's no global "off" switch).
Click the cube(s) you want to unregister, then click Admin | TipTracer | Unregister.
Note: There are two other ways a cube is automatically unregistered from TipTracer:
- Resetting the cube via Admin | Reset | Reset!
- Taking your cube into inventory and re-rezzing
Note that historical data for unregistered jars are deleted after 1 year (360 days). If you want to preserve it's data, you can exercise the Import function on another TipTracer-registered cube to acquire it's historical data. This is explained here.
Q: Once a Techno Tip Cube is unregistered with TipTracer, is the historical data deleted immediately?
A: No. Unregistering a cube means it will no longer "ping" the server regarding it's inworld existence, nor will it contact the server if it is interacted with (either through the owner options dialog or someone tipping into it). So the data will be deleted in the usual 6-month grace period. That gives you ample time to re-register, should you change your mind.
Q: I forget if I registered, so how can I tell if my cube is registered (or not) with TipTracer?
A: Simple... look at the top inner rim. If it's illuminated with the flicker color that you've selected in the Cube Config notecard, then it's TipTracer registered. TipTracer status is also reported in the dialog that appears when you click the cube. Furthermore, you can click Admin | TipTracer and see what buttons are showing -- if the cube is registered, then you'll see the Unregister, Import and Report buttons. If it's unregistered, then you will see a Register button.
Q: Can my Techno Tip Cube inworld tell me how many tips were made?
A: Yes, but the count will pertain only for tips stored with TipTracer. Click Admin | TipTracer | Report and information about this and all your jars will be reported privately to you in chat.