"Cube Operators" notecard help

The operators notecard (in your cube's Content panel) is named "Cube Operators " and provides the ability to offer limited access to trusted employees or assistants. This notecard is not required, and does not need to be present in your cube's inventory. If it is not found, then you as the owner still have total access to your cube.

NOTE: People you include in your operators notecard will not be able to make use of the Employee Login feature.

In short, the notecard simply contains a line by line list of avatar names (not UUID's). You do not have to include your name in the list. Similar to the configuration notecard, this notecard has few restrictions as to how you lay out your data. For instance:

  • Upper/Lower case sensitivity is insignificant (i.e., ZAPPOWAPPY BALL will work just the same as zappowappy Ball).

  • Order of lines does not matter. You can put each line anywhere you wish.

  • Comments can be helpful. Comments are marked with a double forward slash ("//").

  • Blank lines are skipped, so feel free to space lines apart for easy reading.


// This is the Cube Operators notecard.
// Upper/lower case is insignificant, just make sure the first and last names
// are separated with one space. Blank lines can be used anywhere, and use of
// comment markers "//" can temporarily disable people, as shown below.

Zappowappy Ball

// Give the following employees access whenever I feel like it...
// jack lantern  //  (hold off on this guy)
stockblocks regent
// Madison furst

Changes made to the Cube Operators notecard are not immediately loaded. You must reset the cube using Admin | Reset. Resetting the cube will not clear your local tip statistics displayed in the hover text, but the contents specified in your Cube Config notecard will be reloaded.

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