Techno Tip Cube - Functions

(continued from Intro Page)


In the Techno Tip Cube's inventory (in the "Content" panel) you will see a notecard named Cube Config. Data lines in that notecard are used to initialize the cube with default values when it is first rezzed or reset.


There is another notecard that the Techno Tip Cube will read, and that is one for holding the names of authorized operators. It is called Cube Operators and is optional. If it's not in the cube's inventory, then only you (the owner) will have access to the options dialog. But if you're a club owner with assistants, or have a trusted partner (such as your own alt accounts!), you can configure the cube to allow them a subset of those options. Simply include a list of the people. Enter their SecondLife names, NOT their avatar key values.

Note: The "Cube Operators" is not for specifying your shared tip recipients. Sharing is specified in the Cube Config notecard using the "SHARE WITH=" token.

CHOOSE FROM SIX SOUND RESPONSES (and/or add your own!)

The Techno Tip Cube comes 'factory-equipped' with a variety of sounds that can be emitted anytime a tip is deposited. You can also add your own sound objects. Keep their names short, because they're used as button titles which Linden limits to 12 characters (anything beyond that is truncated). For instance, if you have a sound object named "Incredible Firecrackers", better to rename it to "Firecracker", or even "Boom". Be creative!


When anyone left-clicks the cube, your notecard configured "tickler message" is whispered. But if you (or your designated operators) click the cube, the SL viewer's options dialog will also appear. Basic information is shown at the top, such as the version number and current sound parameters. The first button - Admin - is available only to you. All other buttons will be accessible by any avatar whose name you put in the Cube Operators notecard.

Dialog Options (For a pictorial overview, click here)
  • Admin: Provides access to owner-only functions. Configured operators will not see this button.
    • ChatCmd: (short for "Chat Command") This opens up a 60-second listener channel for one of two abilities: /888 to change the hover text title on the fly (in lieu of editing the config notecard), and /999 to get an avatar's key (for tip sharing).

    • TipTracer: This is the front door to the TipTracer system. The buttons in this area are:
      • Password: retrieve your TipTracer password.
      • Import: transfer TipTracer history from another cube.
      • Report: reports server-side information on all your TipTracer-registered jars. More importantly, you can see what jars have not pinged the server, indicating those that will eventually be removed from the TipTracer system due to inactivity (360 days of no pinging will trigger an automatic removal of tip data).
      • Admin: returns to the Admin panel.
      • More Info: provides latest info on TipTracer that might be of interest to you.
      • Register/Unregister: register/unregister this cube from TipTracer.

    • Empl Login: Clicking this button allows you to toggle Employee Login Mode. In it's default state, Employee Login Mode is disabled. When Employee Login Mode is enabled, any group member (as dictated by the group-owned land where the cube is rezzed) can click the cube to "login" to get a percentage of tips put into that cube. However, you (the cube owner) and anyone you have configured in your Cube Operators notecard can not log in as employees.

      You can configure in the Cube Config notecard what percentage the employee gets (EMPLOYEE_PERCENTAGE=) and enable an auto-logoff if the employee exits SecondLife or ventures away by a configured distance (EMPLOYEE_LOGOFF_RANGE=).

    • Memory: Clicking this button generates a report on the version number and available memory for each script in the system. (It hasn't been necessary yet, but I might need to know this information if you have any issues to report.)

    • Update: Clicking this button will query the Zappowappy Update Server for any product updates. For no-copy tip cube owners, it's an easy two-step process. For copyable tip cube owners, it's an even easier one-step process! Click here for details.

    • Main Menu: return to the main menu.

    • Reset: Clicking this button is necessary to load your Cube Config and Cube Operators notecards. It's not as extensive as the Linden "Reset Scripts in Selection". For instance, the cube's reset function will keep hover text stats intact. The Reset function will unregister TipTracer and disable sharing. So if you want either of those active, you'll have to re-enable them after the reset is complete.

    • Sharing: This activates the recipients you have specified with the SHARE WITH= tokens in the Cube Config notecard. A summary of how many recipients are configured and the total percentage that you'll be paying out will be reported. You should then verify the sharing request. A Debit Permissions dialog will require you to Grant debit permissions.

  • Sounds: Clicking this button brings you to the sound options panel:
    • Type: All the sound objects that were found in the cube's inventory will be represented as buttons here. When you click one of the buttons, the applicable sound object will be played out to you, and the sounds menu will reappear. You will also see a Random button. This directs the cube to pick one of your sounds randomly with each tip.

    • Volume: This is where you adjust the sound volume, from 0 (off) to 10 (max). When a selection is made, you'll hear the sound at the selected volume and the menu will reappear. This allows you to adjust it on-the-fly.

  • News: Displays latest-and-greatest information in your viewer's popup dialog.

  • Help: Clicking this button provides a notecard containing a very brief summary of the Techno Tip Cube features.

  • Hover Text: Three buttons are available from this point: Display, Lines, and Color. Click here to learn about the hover text configuration.

  • Clear Stats: Clear the displayed total and tip statistics displayed in the hover text.

  • Ignore: Remove the options dialog with no action taken (analogous to a "Cancel" action).


    Techno Tip Cube updates are always free. Simply exercise the Admin | Update process described here.


    Q: Can the Techno Tip Cube hand anything out when someone tips?
    A: Note that in it's factory-shipped state, there is no function that performs this action. But the answer to this question is YES! The Techno Tip Cube broadcasts (via a linked message #8000) information regarding the amount tipped and who the tipper was. So you can add a script that can do anything you like, such as handing out an object. For more information, click here.

    Q: Can I move the contents of the cube (scripts, et. al.) into my own prim?
    A: No. The scripts must remain in the prim that they were shipped in.

    Q: After tips are made into my cube, how do I get my money?
    A: You already have it! Just check in your SecondLife® account's Transaction History and you will see that anything paid into your Techno Tip Cube goes directly into your SL account.

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